
Saturday, 31 August 2013

Clash of the dry shampoos: Batiste vs. Schwarzkopf

Dry shampoo, there are hundreds of different kinds, but despite that, it's quite hard to find the perfect one for your hair. They all have some pro's and some contra's. Some dry shampoos even have more contra's then pro's, which isn't all that good, of course. 

Today two versions are going to battle for the title of best dry shampoo. In the left corner we have the Batiste Blush version with the seductive scent of flowers. In the right corner we have the Schwarzkopf version. They both promise light, fresh and voluminous hair all day long. Let's see who wins this battle.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Thrift shop haul

A few days ago we went to a thrift shop. We really wanted to go there for a while, because it's the perfect place to find cute DIY materials or other things for a small price. It had been ages since we'd been in our local thrift shop and to be honest we were a little disappointed. The shop was a dirty and dusty, but we crossed a bridge to get there (we don't like crossing bridges with our bikes) so we tried and made the best out of it. Despite the dusty smell in the store we did buy some things. Here's a mini haul for you guys.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Festival: Feest In Het Park 2013


After we tasted Rock Werchter for a day (read the post here), we just couldn't get enough of the festivals and went to another one! This time it was a smaller one with about 12 000 visiters a day.
Somehow...that felt cosy.

We arrived the last day with the sounds of Sir Yes Sir, a Belgian music group. Because it was a really sunny day, we didn't watched the performance inside but enjoyed it while walking around to get drinks and stuff. Their genre is indierock. For us, it's music we'd add to our playlist.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Liebster award

Yay! We were nominated for the Liebster Award, thanks to Rosanne from the blog ModeAccro. This is an award for the lesser-famous blogs to get some attention. What we got to do? Rosanne gave us 11 questions to answer. After answering those, we need to select 11 nominees to answer the 11 questions we ask them. We find this a very nice idea and can't wait to join!

And now: the 11 questions from Roxanne!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

A music video that can learn us an important lesson

I don't have to say much about it...just watch the inspirational video and change your thoughts today about a huge mistake we human beings make way too often. Take your time to think about it.

Kodaline - All I want

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Monday, 26 August 2013

DIY approved by dummies: flowers in your hair


Flower headbands, they were a big trend this summer, but I always thought they were a bit too much for me. I really liked them, they make an outfit look extra cute. But I never had the guts to buy them. In a few days I have to go to a party dressed up as a hippie, so I figured this was the perfect moment to get some flower headbands. Only problem is: Summer's almost over, so I couldn't find any. Really disappointed I headed back home and then I thought, why don't I just make them myself?

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Beauty Food: pretty juicy

Everybody wants to look good and to reach that goal we overload ourselves with tons of make-up, lotions, serums and whatever you can imagine. But we forget the natural things that make us pretty. You can make your own face masks and hair masks, which is great. Although it can be easier than that. There are a lot of drinks that help your skin our hair in some way. The most famous example is water, of course. You don't just need water to survive, it also makes your skin looks healthier. But there are other drinks that are good for you. Here are some examples:

Friday, 23 August 2013

This is an apps world...

A lot of people have a smartphone, tablet or an MP3 with touch. What makes those devices special?
Right, one of the reasons: you can download million of apps with it! Who hasn't heard yet about Instagramming your food or doesn't know someone with a serious Candy Crush Saga addiction? I thought it was time to show you some lesser-known apps of which I'm really happy they exist.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Review: MAX caviar nails

A few days ago I posted this review about the MAX crackled nail polish set and told you how much I loved it. Since I was very enthusiastic about the quality of the nail polishes, I went back to Action and bought this caviar nail art set. It was very cheap again, for €0,79 you get a black colour coat, a top coat and a little jar of caviar balls.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Challenge accepted

Hello there!

I have a problem. And I don't think I'm the only one with this problem. When I go to a store, I just cannot leave without buying something, it's like the products are screaming my name and begging me to buy them. When I suddenly realized that I didn't have a penny left, I decided that it was time for change. No more buying things without having earned them for me.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

DIY not approved by dummies: your own natural hair mask

Hi everyone!

With loads of sun and spending a lot of time in the swimming pool during this summer, my hair was
pretty dried out and ruined. It needed a serious hair repair. I found a DIY online to make your own natural hair mask with banana, olive oil and honey. I know olive oil is good for your hair and banana is delicious so I wanted to try that first before buying a more expensive hair product.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Review: MAX crackled nail polish set

If you live in France, Belgium, Germany or the Netherlands, you probably know the store Action. A couple days ago, I was walking around in the beauty section and I bought this crackled nail polish set from their make-up brand MAX. I didn't think it was going to be any good, to be honest, because 1 set (colour coat, crackle coat and top coat) only costs €1,49. Incredibly cheap, just like everything in Action.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

When a man is tired of London, he's tired of life -Samuel Johnson

Hello guys!

With the summer going on I've travelled quite some times the past two months, but my favourite kind of travels are city trips. Especially city trips to London. I've been in London several times and it is without any doubt the most enchanting place I've ever been. I really really like the vibe and the variety of styles and places. Everything you can wish for is within hand reach and you can truly be yourself without getting judged there.

Also, there are some must sees, some very well known, others more hidden in a suburb, but all equally special. I thought I'd just list some of my favourite places in London for you, maybe you're planning to go to this lovely city and can get some inspiration out of this post.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Living the food life: July

Food is something essential for a human being to live. Normally, we eat 3 meals a day and some snacks, so eating becomes a daily task, something we have to do. We don't think enough about what we are eating or even take the time to appreciate it. You know how they joke about Japanese people taking a picture of everything they eat in a foreign country? We should do that more! Not just because you remember what you ate, but also because you remember with that photo the situation you ate it in, where, when, with which people, a random memory about that day... We, unicorns, tried that for the month of July. We took pictures of food we ate in a special occasion. Here you can see some of those: